Ensuring a lifetime of good health at home and at work

The goal of the medical treatment at the Yuwa Clinic is to support patients so that they can remain active at home and at work for the rest of their lives. To achieve this, we provide 'integrative medicine', which integrates Eastern and Western medicine.

Our practice

We provide integrative medicine using Eastern and Western medicine.

Since the late 1980s, a major trend in Japan, the EU, the USA and Asia has been the promotion of integrative medicine, which integrates Eastern and Western medicine, replacing conventional Western-centred medicine. It combines the strengths of these two types of medicine to provide the best possible medical treatment from the patient's perspective.
Oriental medicine mainly targets chronic diseases, with meridian therapy, herbal medicine and dietary treatment. Western medicine mainly treats acute illnesses.

Yuwa Clinic Director
Hiroshi Udo

Medical Treatment

Developmental disorders

Yuwa Clinic has treated more than 730 cases of children and adults with developmental disorders by new meridian therapy. As a result, a high improvement effect is observed in 80-90% of these cases in the treatment of learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorders including Asperger's, AD/HD and motor development disorders.

Cervicobrachial disorders,
low back pain, knee pain

New meridian therapy is effective for stiff shoulders, back pain and knee pain caused by work strain such as computer work and nursing care.

Lumbar spinal canal stenosis

New meridian therapy improves pain and numbness in the lower back, buttocks and lower limbs when walking with spinal canal stenosis, allowing the patient to walk comfortably and pain-free.

Postherpetic neuralgia

Post-herpetic neuralgia is nerve pain where pain is stored in the spinal cord and other parts of the body. New meridian therapy resolves the pain memory and improves intractable pain.


When the brain is severely shaken, for example by a whiplash injury, MTBI (mild traumatic brain injury) occurs, which damages the brain and causes memory and attention problems. Yuwa Clinic diagnoses and treats MTBI.

Covid-19 sequelae

Yuwa Clinic provides consultation (including issuing a medical certificate), diagnosis and treatment of new corona sequelae/vaccine long-term adverse reactions (sequelae).


Dementia is the biggest challenge in an ageing society. Early treatment with new meridian therapy can improve dementia.

Stress disorders

New meridian therapy improves depression and panic disorders caused by stress by improving blood flow to the brain and neck.

Hallux valgus

Hallux valgus can be improved by new meridian therapy, carbohydrate restriction and hallux valgus shoes.

Chemical sensitivity

Our clinic treats chemical sensitivities with new meridian therapy to improve symptoms. Please contact us for further information. We can also prepare a diagnosis and opinion letter.


2F, 5-4 Inarimachi, Minamiku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, 732-0827
