Medical Treatment

Consultation for new corona-related sequelae


We provide consultation (including issuance of medical certificates), diagnosis, and treatment of new corona sequelae and long-term adverse reactions (sequelae) to vaccines. New corona infection, which began in 2020, is a global problem and has a significant social impact on our country. Although it will be classified as a category 5 infectious disease, equivalent to influenza, on May 8, 2023, many issues remain to be solved, including the problem of the aftereffects of the new corona infection.

Figure 6-1 shows the cumulative total of new corona infections in Japan as of March 5, 2023, reaching 33.26 million cases.

Figure 6-1. Cumulative New Coronary Infections in Japan on March 5, 2023 (NHK) revised.
From a cumulative total of 33.26 million infected people, assuming that 10% of them have sequelae (lasting more than three months),
the number of patients with sequelae is estimated to be 3,326,000. (NHK survey).
Post-exposure symptoms (sequelae) of new coronavirusAfter contracting a novel coronavirus
Despite no longer being contagious
Persistence for at least 2 months
No other apparent cause

Table 6-1. WHO definition of sequelae of new coronavirus infection.

Table 6-1 shows the WHO definition of the sequelae of novel coronavirus. It is defined as symptoms that persist for more than two months after a new coronavirus illness without any other cause. Most people recover with a mild illness, but some may have these persistent symptoms.

Table 6-2. Characteristics of new type corona sequelae (Dr. Owase)

Symptoms include those that persist from the acute phase of the new coronas and those that newly appear after recovery from the acute phase, as shown in Table 6-2. In addition, the severity of symptoms often shows daily fluctuations.

Fatigue and feeblenessMemory impairmentPalpitations
Joint painConcentration problemsDiarrhea
Muscle painInsomniaAbdominal pain
Cough and phlegmHeadacheSleep disturbance
Shortness of breathDepressionMuscle weakness
Chest painTaste disorder 
Hair lossOlfactory disorder 

Table 6-3. Typical symptoms of novel coronavirus sequelae
From COVID-19 Guideline for the Medical Treatment of New Coronavirus Infections (2023)

Table 6-3 shows typical symptoms of post-neoplastic coronary sequelae. It shows a wide variety of systemic symptoms. Among these, fatigue/feebleness, arthralgia, and myalgia are the most typical. Fatigue/feebleness are the most common symptoms, and in severe cases, it is not uncommon for patients to miss long periods of time from work or school. Headache is also a common complaint. In some cases, common headache medications are ineffective. Shortness of breath is another common symptom, as coronas damage the lungs. Some young people may be so short of breath that they cannot climb stairs, or even walk a full circle around the house. Pulmonary function tests may show abnormalities.

Since the outbreak of the new coronary infection in 2020, there has been an increase in the number of consultations for people with the sequelae of the new coronary disease. Related sequelae include general fatigue like chronic fatigue syndrome, stiff shoulders, slight fever, taste disorder, olfactory disorder, depressive symptoms, and cognitive impairment such as forgetfulness and poor thinking (brain fog: symptoms of poor thinking, poor concentration, poor memory, and a foggy feeling in the head). A wide variety of symptoms such as ophthalmoplegia (double vision), severe dizziness, postherpetic neuralgia, cough, throat discomfort, nasal discharge, recurrent vomiting, joint pain throughout the body, arm pain and numbness, palpitations, myocardial infarction, pericarditis and myocarditis, acute nephritis and renal failure, and more.

These patients are treated with new meridian therapy and Chinese herbal medicine, and their progress is good. Myocardial infarction, pericarditis, and acute nephritis were referred to specialists for treatment.

Frequency of new corona sequelae

What then is the frequency of new-type corona sequelae? 

Figure 6-2 shows a paper on new-type corona sequelae published by the UK Office for National Statistics. It reports that 10% of people infected with new coronas develop coronary sequelae lasting more than 12 weeks (The prevalence of long COVIDS). (If we apply this to the total number of people infected in Japan, it is possible that nearly 3 million people are suffering from sequelae.

Figure 6-2. Long-lasting COVID symptoms and prevalence of COVID-19 complications in a paper.

We are currently treating patients with herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia as a new corona-related sequelae. It also provides advice on medical certificates for absence from work and sickness benefits. Please call first for a consultation.